
As described in the co-op page, you have two options when adopting ZeroDark:

1. Developer Partner — Companies that make apps using, but which aren't targeting co-op users.

2. Developer Friend — Companies that make apps for co-op users. These are apps within the co-op ecosystem that directly benefit our users & members.

If you choose to be a partner, you have a few additional tasks to perform.


Partners provide their own authentication system. That is, you're not using the authentication system that comes with the framework.

However, in order for your users to talk to the cloud, you need to generate a refreshToken for the user.

Create a refreshToken for your server

Go to, and login to your account. Then navigate to the "Servers" section, and click on "Create a server token":


You're prompted for a name. This is just an optional human-friendly name, and can be whatever you want. For example, "Server #1". Next click the "Create" button, and you'll be prompted to save your token.


Make sure you save the token by copy-n-pasting it somewhere. Because once you click the "Done" button the system won't ever display the token again (for security reasons).


Fetch an accessToken

ZeroDark follows the best security practices, and here we're mirroring the oAuth v2 protocol. So there are separate refreshTokens & accessTokens.

  • A refreshToken is used to request an accessToken. A refreshToken never expires, although you have the power to revoke it (from the dashboard).

  • An accessToken is used to communicate with the ZeroDark API. An accessToken expires after a short period of time, generally around 4 hours.

ZeroDark uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as accessTokens. For more information about JWT's, check out

To get an access token, just issue a request like so:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"biz_id":"your_biz_id_here","token":"your_refreshToken_here"}'

You can get your business id (biz_id) from the dashboard's company page.

The response is JSON:

  "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImFmOTk1NzJkLWQ2Y2UtNDE2Zi04MWFlLTljMzkwNjZiZjk4OCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODc1MjQzNTUsImV4cCI6MTU4NzUzODc1NSwiYXVkIjoiYTVjOWMwZDhlNzI1NDFkMzhhNzE5ZGU4MTY1OWI5MTkiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3Jlc291cmNlcy56ZXJvZGFyay5jb29wLyIsInN1YiI6ImZqYzdjb2M3eGdvamRrMzd4dzl1ZzVldCJ9.FRm7WO_7TZhDSYLilAYGwCu0h-4JtordQ-kv75sMYV0MJaVPIFcCCGLhDksiA8mOUj8hbZlea_bjgnu_IcOVvZFfi0yamne-A6Xs8KW21l13K8movu41vmPLOmYrs2DlgqDHTAFJ1l1XBqnlAlD5W_28PUTT5TCbfu9Ein1J_r-lH9N_3CuSXHSU0ls4McS-pt2A8DhWYX0wbkKHJTSPq8TGYhM1dz90Gikmtlf8-oPLBrlMnoQLdFEwcRCgAgm9DgDX5fhSavzzZTJDavLZnAcDBxxLre-yI2hf6We3noJ9TZJRMdJpOFS5KFk7DUi3NFDOutsf5YsMtrDMImoH8A"

Tip: Try pasting your JWT into to see what it contains.

Create a user in ZeroDark

Now that you have a JWT, you're ready to access the full ZeroDark API. The next step is to create a user within ZeroDark.

Partners manage their own authentication. So the ZeroDark user is just a shadow of the user within your own system. And ZeroDark wants to avoid any identifying information about your user. Thus there are only 2 things you need to create a shadow user:

  • user_id — a 160-bit value that you provide
  • aws region — geographic region in which to store the user's data

The user_id might just be a random value that you generate:

// generating a random 160-bit value in node.js:
const crypto = require('crypto')
const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(160/8)
const user_id_hex = buffer.toString('hex')

// user_id_hex = 'bd4b74524c2fc2d354666d545f897641306943c3'

Alternatively, you might hash something unique about your user, and then take the first 160 bits of the hash.

The AWS region is one of:

  • "us-west-2" (Oregon)
  • "eu-west-1" (Ireland)

Then just issue a request like so:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImFmOTk1NzJkLWQ2Y2UtNDE2Zi04MWFlLTljMzkwNjZiZjk4OCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODc1MjQzNTUsImV4cCI6MTU4NzUzODc1NSwiYXVkIjoiYTVjOWMwZDhlNzI1NDFkMzhhNzE5ZGU4MTY1OWI5MTkiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3Jlc291cmNlcy56ZXJvZGFyay5jb29wLyIsInN1YiI6ImZqYzdjb2M3eGdvamRrMzd4dzl1ZzVldCJ9.FRm7WO_7TZhDSYLilAYGwCu0h-4JtordQ-kv75sMYV0MJaVPIFcCCGLhDksiA8mOUj8hbZlea_bjgnu_IcOVvZFfi0yamne-A6Xs8KW21l13K8movu41vmPLOmYrs2DlgqDHTAFJ1l1XBqnlAlD5W_28PUTT5TCbfu9Ein1J_r-lH9N_3CuSXHSU0ls4McS-pt2A8DhWYX0wbkKHJTSPq8TGYhM1dz90Gikmtlf8-oPLBrlMnoQLdFEwcRCgAgm9DgDX5fhSavzzZTJDavLZnAcDBxxLre-yI2hf6We3noJ9TZJRMdJpOFS5KFk7DUi3NFDOutsf5YsMtrDMImoH8A' \
  --data '{"user_id_hex":"bd4b74524c2fc2d354666d545f897641306943c3","region":"us-west-2"}'

Make sure you replace 3 things from the above:

  • JWT
  • user_id_hex
  • desired region

The response is JSON:

  "status": 201,
  "user_id": "zifzew1cf9bpgidgpikf9nmserag1o6d",
  "bucket": "com.4th-a.user.zifzew1cf9bpgidgpikf9nmserag1o6d-4e098f17",
  "region": "us-west-2",
  "stage": "prod",
  "salt": "9E6642D43E43410DA2903CA62AFA1671",
  "created": 1587407877295

Tip: ZeroDark stores user_id's in zBase32. So the same 160 bits can be represented in hexadecimal as bd4b74524c2fc2d354666d545f897641306943c3 or in zBase32 as zifzew1cf9bpgidgpikf9nmserag1o6d.

Create a refreshToken for the user

The last step is to create the refreshToken:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImFmOTk1NzJkLWQ2Y2UtNDE2Zi04MWFlLTljMzkwNjZiZjk4OCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODc1MjQzNTUsImV4cCI6MTU4NzUzODc1NSwiYXVkIjoiYTVjOWMwZDhlNzI1NDFkMzhhNzE5ZGU4MTY1OWI5MTkiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3Jlc291cmNlcy56ZXJvZGFyay5jb29wLyIsInN1YiI6ImZqYzdjb2M3eGdvamRrMzd4dzl1ZzVldCJ9.FRm7WO_7TZhDSYLilAYGwCu0h-4JtordQ-kv75sMYV0MJaVPIFcCCGLhDksiA8mOUj8hbZlea_bjgnu_IcOVvZFfi0yamne-A6Xs8KW21l13K8movu41vmPLOmYrs2DlgqDHTAFJ1l1XBqnlAlD5W_28PUTT5TCbfu9Ein1J_r-lH9N_3CuSXHSU0ls4McS-pt2A8DhWYX0wbkKHJTSPq8TGYhM1dz90Gikmtlf8-oPLBrlMnoQLdFEwcRCgAgm9DgDX5fhSavzzZTJDavLZnAcDBxxLre-yI2hf6We3noJ9TZJRMdJpOFS5KFk7DUi3NFDOutsf5YsMtrDMImoH8A' \
  --data '{"user_id_hex":"bd4b74524c2fc2d354666d545f897641306943c3","context":"Whatever you want here, e.g. iPhone 8"}'

The response is JSON:


This is a refreshToken that's valid for the user. The user will be able to use this refreshToken in a similar way. That is, they'll exchange it for a JWT. And the JWT will allow them to talk to the user-related APIs.

Note: There are more APIs for managing refreshTokens. Find out by downloading our OpenAPI v3 specification here.

Pass info to the user

Section coming soon