Client Setup - Part 3

User login & signup screens

To store data in the cloud we need a logged in user. So the next step is the user login & signup flow.

You have 2 options here:

  • you can build your own custom authentication system, or
  • you can use the pre-built system that comes with the framework

If you provide your own custom authentication system, you're choosing to be a developer partner. If you use the pre-built system you're choosing to be a developer friend.

If you're new to the framework, we recommend starting with our pre-built authentication system. This allows you to get up-and-running quickly. And chances are you'll want to test drive ZeroDark before committing to a big project.

Pre-Built Authentication

You can display the pre-built authentication flow with just a few line of code.

func showAuth() {

    let setupVC = zdc.uiTools.accountSetupViewController(
                               withInitialViewController: nil,
                             canDismissWithoutNewAccount: true)
    {(localUserID: String?, completedActivation: Bool, shouldBackupAccessKey:Bool) in

   //   do something with new localUserID

    // display the setupVC

Tip: To see a working example, check out the WhatsZapp sample app.

This displays the UI that allows a user to either create a new account, or login to an existing account.

The closure is invoked when the user has either completed or cancelled the authentication flow. If completed, a localUserID variable is returned, which is needed to perform most activities within the framework.

And with your logged in user, you're almost ready to start pushing data to the cloud. But first, you need to register your app container with ZeroDark.

Bring Your Own Authentication

If you're looking to be a developer partner, you'll be providing your own authentication. So there are a few extra hoops to jump thru. Checkout the partners page for more information.

Next Step

Now you're ready for part 4: Register app in the dashboard